Wednesday, June 24, 2009

To improve your eye sight you can follow these things.

1. Eat lots of vitamin A rich foods.
2. Vitamin A is found in carrot, milk, green and yellow vegetables, fish, code liver oil, egg etc.
3. Add lots of carrot to your diet.
4. You can also bring the habit of drinking carrot juice daily.
5. Eat atleast a egg daily.
6. Eat lots of green leafy vegetables.
7. If you are studying in late night or in early morning then study in sufficient light.
8. Don't watch television by sitting very near to it.
9. Don't sit for a long time in front of the system.
10. While you are working in the system try to blink(closing and opening your eyes) eyes as frequently as possible.
11. If you are using power glasses then use it while studying, watching tv, working in the system etc. Don't avoid using glasses.
12. Don't read books or newspapers during your travel.
13. There are some eye exercises in yoga so you can go for doing it.

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